How about I start with a quote this time? Yes? I appreciate your permission. This one is by Francis of Assisi, and it says, “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” I have to confess, a lot of my writing is more for me, reminding myself of lessons I have learned and continue to learn. The quote I just shared is no different.
Most of us have dreams. I know I do. Not the ones we have while sleeping. A lot of those dreams are ambitious and require me to get out of my comfort zone. But the starting point is usually a magnificent scene in my mind of what it would feel like to be living that dream. That is the easy part. Translating that dream into reality is the more challenging part.
I have noticed something interesting with many couples – the amount of effort that goes into the relationship before the dating begins. Guys in particular, will do anything to impress the girl they are chasing. I mean anything: they can move the sun and the moon just to make an impression! In many cases, this effort pays off.
So. What are you willing to do, to achieve your dream? How hungry are you to live the life you desire? How much do you really want to succeed in life? The answer is in the actions you take – the steps you take everyday that contribute towards achieving that dream.
Imagine your dream was watching you: what are you willing to do to impress your dream to come towards you?
I challenge you to push yourself out your comfort zone and do whatever it takes (nothing illegal please) to make your dreams a reality. I am challenging myself too.