When the momentum is gone…

I would like to start with a quote from one of my favourite books: “I encourage you to be a person who is not afraid of responsibility. In meeting resistance you will build strength. If you only do what is easy, you will always remain weak.” The book is called “Battlefield of the Mind” by Joyce Meyer.

There are times when I lose focus and stop doing what I am supposed to be do. This can be anything from exercising, to writing or a working on my goals. Simply put, I lose momentum. Work also gets in the way as I dedicate a significant and precious amount of time to my employer. Nothing wrong with going the extra mile in my job.

In between the busyness of work and writing this article, I enrolled for a writing course by Jeff Goins. One of the things I was reminded of in the course, was the power of consistency. In the course Jeff suggests with starting with just one published article a week.

I picked a day – Monday – and decided that will be my day of publishing an article. Amazing what a reminder from another author can do.

No matter what curve balls you come across in your journey to achieving your dreams, keep going. When the momentum is gone, get up and get back into the swing of things. It can be discouraging to go back to doing something when you have lost your way, but as Joyce Meyer said in the opening quote of this article, meet that resistance and build your strength.