
How to create your own luck

In the context of entrepreneurship, a lucky break is not by accident. At least most of the time. More often than not, you have to work your way to getting lucky.

I recall the story of my friend who mined a Bitcoin several years ago and forgot about it. Just one coin. Rewind into the not-so-far-back past, in December 2017, at the peak of the Bitcoin price, he remembered about the Bitcoin and sold part of it. Hundreds of thousands into his bank account just like that! Did he get lucky? Nope, he worked for his good fortune.

If you had bought Apple shares fifteen years ago, and held onto them, you would be smiling all the way to the bank right now. With Amazon, Google and Facebook shares, you wouldn’t need to invest that far back. Similar exponential capital growth.

There are countless stories of people that have “got lucky”. But when you examine their journey, you realise they worked for their success. These once ordinary people developed good habits over time that eventually led to them living their dream life.

You and I are no different. We can live the life we’ve always dreamed of by creating our own luck. It does not happen overnight, but sometimes it can. The crucial point is to take action everyday towards the life you desire.

The desires you have are the starting point. Followed by doing things everyday that take you closer to turning those desires into reality. Your dreams will most likely not happen within the time period you want, but you have to persevere until they become a reality.